national education association中文什么意思

发音:   用"national education association"造句
  • national:    adj. 1.民族的;国民的;国家的 ...
  • education:    n. 1.教育;训导;培养。 2.教 ...
  • association:    n. 1.联合;联系;联盟;合伙;交 ...
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  1. More than two million new teachers will be needed in the next decade alone , according to the national education association , and we should hope that they start lining up soon
  2. National education association of the united states is an age - old nongovernmental educational organization and the largest teachers " group in the world
    美国全国教育协会( nationaleducationassociationoftheunitedstates )是美国一个历史悠久的民间教育团体,也是世界上最大的教师专业团体。
  3. According to a new study from teachers ' union the national education association , half of new u . s . teachers are likely to quit within the first five years because of poor working conditions and low salaries
  4. According to a new study from teachers " union the national education association , half of new u . s . teachers are likely to quit within the first five years because of poor working conditions and low salaries


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  5. national education 什么意思
  6. national education crisis committee 什么意思
  7. national education fund 什么意思
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  9. national education labour union 什么意思
  10. national education minister 什么意思


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